Author name: Arman Hussain

Arman is a third year EM resident and was raised by the likes of the EM Clerkship podcast, EMCrit, ER Cast, and EMRAP. His primary interests include FOAM and medical education and he does not enjoy writing in the third person.

Crowd Control Devices – Initial Evaluation and Management in the ED

The article emphasizes the crucial role emergency medical programs play in managing injuries from crowd control devices. Highlighting the necessity of appropriate PPE and stress on scene safety, it details treatment protocols involving the P-ABCD²E method for managing effects of pepper spray, tear gas, and kinetic impact projectiles like rubber bullets. The essence of management involves supportive care and vigilance for severe respiratory or cardiac symptoms, ensuring thorough evaluation and quick decontamination to mitigate complications.

Crowd Control Devices – Initial Evaluation and Management in the ED Read More »

Rise of the Macrolide Resistance: Community Acquired Pneumonia Treatment Update

The last update to the IDSA guidelines on treatment of community acquired pneumonia was more than a decade ago, and in 2019 they provided updated guidance on antibiotic regimens for the outpatient management which simplifies things and shines a light on the world of antibiotic resistance.

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