About the GW EM Blog
Welcome to the GW EM Blog! We are a group of primarily Emergency Medicine residents who are passionate about medical education and sharing our knowledge with others. Although this site is run by the people listed below, everyone in the GW EM community gets the opportunity to contribute. Our goal is to provide relevant, high-quality, evidence-based, and practice informing information on a variety of topics related to our field. We hope that our blog will be a valuable resource for students, residents, attendings, and other healthcare professionals.
We are always looking for feedback and new topics to write about, so please feel free to send us your suggestions. Thanks for visiting the blog!
Editorial Team

Arman is a third year EM resident and was raised by the likes of the EM Clerkship podcast, EMCrit, ER Cast, and EMRAP. His primary interests include FOAM and medical education and he does not enjoy writing in the third person.

Mike is an EM attending at INOVA Fairfax Hospital and a Clinical Instructor at GW. In his free time he obsesses over his cats as well as how to write biographical blurbs without sounding ridiculous.

Jordan is a PGY4 resident. He is interested in the intersection of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care and can be found outside of work either listening to FOAM-ED podcasts, training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, or sampling the Pain au Chocolate at a local coffee shop. Despite what people may say, he was not raised by wolves.